Notice of the MCG Annual General Meeting at UKMW15
This year’s Museums Computer Group AGM will take place at UKMW15 (26 October 2015 at the British Museum).
Full details of the AGM can be found below.
The AGM will include the election of nominees to the Committee. Joining the committee is a great way to support your peers and help the sector. It’s also an opportunity to meet people, gain valuable skills and experience, and enhance your CV. If you are motivated to help and have a few hours free each month, please see our volunteering page. If you are interested in being nominated please email
Annual General Meeting
Monday 26 October 2015, 12:30-1:00pm
The British Museum, Great Russell St, London, WC1 3DG, UK
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the last AGM: Natural History Museum 7th November 2014
3. Committee Reports
- Chair – Mia Ridge
- Accounts – Ivan Teage (Treasurer)
- Membership – Katherine Biggs (Secretary)
4. Operational Reports
- Events – Rebecca Atkinson and Mia Ridge
- Communications – Dafydd James
- Website – Andrew Lewis
5. CIO Status
6. Questions from the Floor
7. Committee Elections
Nominations are invited for the following committee vacancies:
- Members – 1 vacancy
8. Handover
The chair invites existing and new committee members onto the stage to introduce them.
9. Any other urgent business
10. Close of meeting
MCG Committee Elections AGM 2014
- Chair – Mia Ridge: to 2017
- Treasurer – Ivan Teage: to 2017
- Secretary – Katherine Biggs: to 2017
Ordinary and seconded members:
- Dafydd James: to 2017
- Andrew Lewis: to 2015 (renewed to 2018)
- Mariann Hardey: to 2015 (renewed to 2018)
- Michael Guthrie: to 2015 (renewed to 2018)
- Johanna Perez Strand: to 2016
- Jessica Seuss: to 2017
- Rebecca Atkinson: to 2017
- Rosie Clarke: to 2017
- Martin Bazley: to 2017
- Jennifer Ross: to 2017
- Ina Pruegel: to 2017
The following members are standing down or have reached the end of their terms:
- Danny Birchall
The MCG committee consists of twelve members working across areas including events, communications and professional development supported by an executive and administration group consisting of a chair, secretary and treasurer.
Anyone wanting more information should email us at:
Nominations must be received by noon, Monday 26th October. Nominations should be sent to: