Volunteer for the MCG Committee

Volunteering for the MCG Committee is a great way to support your peers and help the sector. It’s also an opportunity to meet people, gain valuable skills and experience, and enhance your CV. We’re an active group, putting together events and projects that have a real impact on the heritage sector. If you are motivated to help and have a few hours free each month, please read on!

We’re particularly interested in people who want to help with marketing, event organisation, sponsorship/fundraising, community management and administration. We always welcome volunteers with communication skills, whether you’re interested in optimising our website or writing content for events or projects. We’re also interested in supporting our members through discussions with funders and developing strategic partnerships that can help the whole sector.

Nominations open for new committee members before each Annual General Meeting (AGM). Our Constitution describes the nominations process in more detail, but if you’re interested in joining, be sure to send your self-nomination or have someone nominate you by emailing the Secretary before midday on the day before the AGM. Committee terms are three years, with an option to stand for a second term. If you have any questions about Committee work, feel free to contact us.

Committee roles

To help you understand the rewards of being an MCG Committee member and the amount of time it requires, we’ve outlined some of the responsibilities and duties of Committee roles.


The MCG Secretary is responsible for:

  • Taking minutes at all MCG Committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting
  • Organising the Annual General Meeting and MCG Committee Elections (with the Chair and Events team)
  • Maintaining the MCG Constitution
  • Arranging MCG Committee meetings (with the Chair and admin support).

You will need to be available to attend between four and six committee meetings a year of which about half are telephone or online meetings.

Time required to fulfil the role varies but, like everyone else on the committee, can be considerable during the preparations for our conference and the AGM. Otherwise writing up meetings notes and arranging meetings takes about a day or so. Answering membership queries and maintaining the membership list requires a few hours a month.


The MCG Treasurer is responsible for

  • Ongoing monitoring of the MCG’s financial position
  • MCG bank account
  • MCG PayPal account
  • MCG annual accounts in conjunction with accountant
  • Issuing invoices on behalf of MCG (as few as possible)
  • Receiving cheques (as few as possible) & pay in to bank account
  • Making payments on behalf of MCG via cheque & PayPal
  • Assisting with costing & setting ticket prices for MCG events
  • Attending committee meetings: teleconference & face to face

Ordinary Committee Members

Ordinary members of the MCG Committee help with activities like:

  • Administration and Membership support: day-to-day operational issues, supporting committee, teams and members
  • Communications and marketing: content, design or technical work on keeping the MCG website and social media updated; publishing email newsletters and other promotion
  • Projects: coordinating MCG research papers and gathering expertise and opinion. Includes Professional Development and any other projects as required
  • Events: coordinating arrangements for MCG events, venue and speaker liaison, arranging funding and sponsorship, setting event themes and running the programme committee.

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