Sober social media, mobile chaos and conversations

Tagged with mw2010

Sober social media, mobile chaos and conversations

[This week’s guest post is written by Shelley Mannion is Digital Learning Programmes Manager at the British Museum’s Samsung Digital Discovery Centre] Four recent events have prompted me to think about trending topics in digital heritage: – Museums and the Web 2010; – Museums, Mobile Devices and Social Media; – MuseumNext; – Museums & Heritage […]

MW2010, Wikimedia, ash clouds: a week in cultural heritage online

[This week’s guest post is written by Mia Ridge, Lead Web Developer, The Science Museum] I will start with a confession: the title of this post is really a lie – I’m mostly writing about the last fortnight in cultural heritage.  As one of those stranded overseas by Iceland’s volcanic ash, my post-Museums and the […]

05/04/10 The week in cultural heritage online

[This week’s guest post is by Jeremy Ottevanger, Web Developer at Museum of London Pecker up, Buttercup! Following the uplifting experience of the 2009 Jodi Awards, I vowed to stop being such a miserable sod and to blog some optimism. Well, due to some duplicity on the part of the space-time continuum that never happened, […]

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