‘Engaging digital audiences in museums’ was another successful Museums Computer Group regional event, and it was even better because it was co-created with the Digital Learning Network.
Here are some of the great reports and blog posts people wrote after attending ‘Engaging digital audiences in museums’:
- Learning and Technology sitting in a Museum Shaped tree…EngageM Take Aways « Clairey Ross
- Kleuterprojecten evalueren (in Dutch)
- Open Objects: ‘Engaging digital audiences in museums’ conference
- Thought Den » Digital Audiences Condensed: Museum chats in Manchester
- Rhiannon Looseley’s blog: Generic Learning Outcomes – friend or foe? has some specific questions based on the unconference session
- Juno Rae’s blog: Joint DLNET and MCG Conference: Engaging Digital Audiences in Museums
- And of course, our event bloggers who wrote up and illustrated the day for us: Guest blogging the Engaging Digital Audiences in Museums conference
Presentation slides
- Our thanks to DLNet’s Juno Rae for collating this list of Presentation slides from Engaging Digital Audiences in Museums July 2012 conference.
Twitter archive
So many tweets were sent with the #EngageM hashtag that it became a trending topic in Manchester. A downloadable Twitter archive is available here (CSV)!
From Thought Den’s post, below is a twitter poster from their intern Peter Simon. (Download a hi-res version of the poster here)