An update from the MCG Committee: Meet the committee

Tagged with mcg

An update from the MCG Committee: Meet the committee

Following on from our last blog post, which re-introduced the MCG to you all, we thought we would go one step further and re-introduce the committee itself. You can find detailed profiles on each committee member on our website, through ‘The MCG Committee’ page. This blog post, however, should give you a brief introduction to […]

An update from the MCG Committee: Who we are

In the lead up to our November conference, Museums+Tech 2017, and our 35 year anniversary, we thought it would be as good a time as any to reaffirm our values. On our website’s ‘about page’, we describe ourselves as a “UK-based independent group for museum, gallery, cultural heritage and education professionals who work with or […]

MCG Spring Meeting – with Culture24 – Brighton – 17th June 2011

‘Go Collaborate’ MCG Spring Meeting in partnership with Culture24 – Brighton – 17th June Event reports: Jane Finnis’ Notes and take homes from the Museums Computer Group spring meeting Culture24 hosted in Brighton in June 2011 Rhiannon Looseley’s guest post on the Museums at Night blog: Rhiannon Looseley on ‘Go Collaborate,’ the Museums Computer Group spring meeting […]

Thoughts on the MCG Spring Meeting 2010

[This week’s guest post is by Rhiannon Looseley, E-Learning Officer (Web), Museum of London, and MCG Committee member. It was originally published on her blog] Early (very early) on Thursday morning, I got up and got the 7.03 train from Euston to Birmingham for this year’s Museums Computer Group (MCG) Spring Meeting. The theme of […]

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