If you have got something that you’re working on or have launched recently; why not share it at UKMW12?
There are 5 open mic slots available to talk for no more than 5 minutes. These can be informal and provide you with the opportunity to tell us about a project you are working on, make suggestions for projects or ask for help on something. (They should not simply be used as an ad break).
If you’re interested in presenting please contact David Little in the first instance. The deadline for submission is Wednesday 31 October.
Please note open mic presenters will need to register as fee paying delegates for the event. Tickets can be purchased from Eventbrite.
UKMW12: Strategically Digital will be held at the Wellcome Collection on 30 November 2012 and will be focusing on strategic responses to the impact of digital technologies on museums and the sector in general. As always it will be a day for learning, getting inspired (and maybe inspiring others!) and networking with other technologists and museum professionals.