#MCGInnovation as it happened

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#MCGInnovation as it happened

Our Spring 2015 event, ‘Innovation’: the Emperor’s new clothes?’ was held at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge on 14 May 2015. Thanks to the organisers and speakers for creating a thought-provoking and enjoyable day. Let us know if you’ve got photos or notes to share! Our guest blogger, Nicola Adams, a digital […]

UKMW15: Bridging gaps, Making connections

The Museums Computer Group held its annual UK Museums on the Web conference at the British Museum on 26 October 2015. Our theme for UKMW15 was ‘Bridging Gaps, Making Connections’. Networking at MCG annual conference 2015 “Bridging gaps, Making connections” at the British Museum UKMW15 looked at how Digital technology is everywhere in museums today, […]

UKMW14 Guest Post: The New Post-Digital Era

As part of this year’s MCG:UKMW14 ‘Museums beyond the Web’, we asked guest bloggers to cover the day and share their impressions of our lineup of speakers. In this post, our first blogger, Kasia Kwiatkowska looks at a day that covered Google Glass, low-cost mobile tours, the ‘post-digital museum’ and more. “Every screen is a touchscreen, […]

UKMW14 Guest Post: From Mercury to Mars

As part of this year’s MCG:UKMW14 ‘Museums beyond the Web’, we asked guest bloggers to cover the day and share their impressions of our lineup of speakers. In this post, blogger Holly Parsons reports back on a day that considered the relative pace of change in both technology and museums. The tenth annual Museums Computer […]

UKMW14 round-up: reports, tweets, slides and images

MCG’s sold out UKMW14 ‘Museums beyond the web‘ was held at the Natural History Museum in London on Friday 7 November 2014. Don’t miss out on future events – sign up for our low-traffic events information list. UKMW14 presentations online Watch the ‘Museums beyond the web’ presentations online UKMW14 event reports Jessica Suess’ Museums Beyond […]

AGM 2014

Annual General Meeting 2014 7 November 2014, Natural History Museum Welcome The Chair (Mia Ridge) thanked everyone for attending and for joining the AGM over lunch. The AGM was declared open. Apologies for Absence Apologies were sent from Committee Members who could not attend: Johanna Perez Strand Marianne Hardy Irida Ntalla Minutes The minutes for […]

Proposed changes to MCG Constitution

Update: these changes were accepted at the 2014 MCG AGM. In this post we propose a change to the Museums Computer Group (MCG)’s Constitution to clarify the current use of the term ‘audit’ and update the language of the Constitution to match past MCG practice. Background While organising the 2013 accounts for the 2014 MCG […]

2014 MCC Committee Nominations

Interested in joining the MCG Committee? Nominations are open until midday on Thursday November 6, 2014 – head to our call for MCG Committee members for more information. Ivan Teage Ivan manages the Digital Development team at the Natural History Museum, London, delivering key projects and introducing new technologies and processes to build digital strengths […]

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