Making digital projects sustainable: a challenge for everyone!

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Making digital projects sustainable: a challenge for everyone!

The MCG’s Rosie Clarke wrote this ahead of our Spring 2016 event. Making digital projects sustainable: a challenge for everyone! This recent article by Martha Henson – Stop wasting money on digital projects if you aren’t prepared to promote them properly – attracted a lot of support from the cultural heritage sector and beyond. We’ve all been […]

What you missed at our #MCGprojects conference

On 6 May 2016, over 50 museum technology professionals gathered to discuss ‘Life with digital projects‘. We heard from consultants, senior museum and agency staff, academics, developers and producers over a day that began in style with Charlotte Sexton’s keynote and ended with a debate on ‘outsourcing digital heritage projects is more harm than help’. […]

MCG’s UKMW16 (museums + technology conference) Call for Proposals

UKMW16 will be held at the Wellcome Collection in London on 19 October 2016. Tickets will go on sale over summer. In the meantime, you can find out what people loved about our past conferences and sign up for our events newsletter.   MCG’s UKMW16 theme: Sharing our stories Museums have a range of interesting […]

Spring 2016 workshop Call for Papers: Life Support: living with digital projects

The Museums Computer Group are excited to open our Call for Proposals for our 2016 Spring workshop which will be held at the Hospitium in York on May 6, 2016. Continuing the MCG’s long-standing interest in how museums respond to the changes that digital technologies bring, our 2016 theme is: ‘Life Support: living with digital projects‘. […]

Most popular topics in museum technology in 2015?

The extended MCG community loves to chat! Here’s a month-by-month selection of the most popular topics on the Museums Computer Group’s museum technology discussion list in 2015. It’s based on an unscientific review of post counts and subject lines, but it looks like people in 2015 had opinions on: image metadata, 3D printing, cultural heritage […]

We’re in good company

A post on the Association for Historical and Fine Art Photography’s site presents the text of the 2015 AHFAP Conference Keynote by James Stevenson. In looking back at the history of museum photography, he also touches on the history of related practitioner groups: ‘It is interesting to see when other associations in museums were founded: […]

AGM 2015

Annual General Meeting 2015 26th October 2015, 12.30-13.00, British Museum Apologies Johanna, Michael, Danny, Marianne Minutes of the last AGM Minutes Natural History Museum, 7 November 2014 Mia proposed they be accepted and Dafydd seconded. Committee Reports Chair’s Report (Mia) Chair’s Welcome I’d like to start by thanking everyone who helped make today happen, and […]

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