#musetech16 Keynote Q&A: Sebastian Deterding

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#musetech16 Keynote Q&A: Sebastian Deterding

The opening keynote for our Museums+Tech 2016 conference is Sebastian Deterding. Sebastian is a designer and researcher working on playful and motivational design who’ll share his expertise on ‘Designing for Curiosity’. We think his wide, international perspective and deep expertise in design is the perfect opening to the day. We asked our keynotes to answer […]

Lunchtime tours at Museums+Tech 2016

We always like to offer something a bit special when our events are held in a museum. This year you can explore Wellcome’s permanent galleries or check out Bedlam: the asylum and beyond. Or you can go behind the scenes for a tour of one of the Internet Archive’s 33 book scanning centres and see […]

Call for new MCG Committee members – 2016

  Joining the MCG Committee is a great way to support your peers and help the sector. It’s also an opportunity to meet people, gain valuable skills and experience, and enhance your CV. We’re an active group, putting together events and projects that have a real impact on the heritage sector. If you are motivated […]

Notice of the MCG Annual General Meeting 2016

  This year’s Museums Computer Group AGM will take place at Museums + Tech 2016 (19 October 2016 at the Wellcome Collection). Full details of the AGM can be found below. The AGM will include the election of nominees to the Committee. Joining the Committee is a great way to support your peers and help […]

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to hear Shelley Bernstein speak in London

Meet Keynote Speaker Shelley Bernstein Museum Computer Group’s 2016 Conference: Museums+Tech 19 October 2016 Wellcome Collection, London Joining our opening keynote speaker Sebastian Deterding, the Museums Computer Group are delighted to announce the final keynote speaker for the Museums+Tech Conference on 19 October: international museums expert Shelley Bernstein. Renowned for her commitment to radical transparency […]

What will you learn from our Museums+Tech 2016 speakers?

Delegates at our events are often experts in their own right, and their questions are often a great chance to learn even more from our world-class speakers. To get your creative juices flowing, we asked our Museums+Tech 2016 speakers for a sneak peek at what you’ll learn from their presentation at October’s conference. We hope […]

WE NEED YOU! Volunteer Positions for Museums+Tech 2016

The Museums Computer Group (MCG) has been running events about museums and technology, such as UK Museums and the Web (UKMW), for a couple of decades. The sector changes constantly, and we want to reach new audiences and share the messages from our 2016 ‘Museums+Tech’ conference. To help us achieve this we have a small […]

The state of museum technology?

In January, our Chair, Mia Ridge, was to invited to Nesta’s Digital Culture Panel event to respond to their 2015 Digital Culture survey on ‘How arts and cultural organisations in England use technology’ (produced with Arts Council England (ACE) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)). Her response was informed by years of discussions […]

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