Engaging Visitors Through Play

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Engaging Visitors Through Play

 Guest blog post by Mairead Quinn On the 30th May 2013 Oonagh Murphy and Alan Hook from the University of Ulster hosted a Museums Computer Group conference on play and digital technology in museums.  This event brought together delegates from across the museum, community and academic sectors to explore and showcase the innovative use of digital […]

UK Museums on the Web 2013 – call for papers

The Museums Computer Group’s 2013 Museums on the Web conference will be held at Tate Modern on 15 November 2013. The theme for UKMW13 is ‘Power to the people’. There’s a post answering some Frequently Asked Questions on the MCG list. We are interested in proposals on topics such as: projects that integrate public participation […]

Come and celebrate your failure with us!

The MCG are hosting a Failure Swapshop and we’d like to invite you be part of it! The Swapshop is a light-hearted way for us to learn from each other and where the emphasis is not on the failure itself, but on what happened next. We’re looking for two or three people willing to share […]

Engaging Visitors Through Play – MCG Spring Meeting – 30 May 2013

The MCG Committee are pleased to announce our Spring meeting: Engaging Visitors Through Play Museums Computer Group hosted by the Centre for Media Research Event reports: Event blogger Mairead Quinn’s Engaging Visitors Through Play Museums Association ‘Game on’ by Mia Ridge Maeve O’Brien’s Digitising Information in the online era… 21st Century Plath! Alex Moseley’s Engaging Visitors […]

‘UKMW12: Strategically Digital’ from our official event blogger

[Each year we have an official event blogger to help make sure people who can’t attend our events can get a sense of the conversations and hot topics on the day.  It’s also a lovely chance to introduce some new voices to the wider museum community.  This time our official blogger was Rachel Kasbohm (@rekasbohm). […]

Chair’s welcome at UKMW12

I thought I’d post my notes for the Chair’s Welcome to UK Museums on the Web: UKMW12 ‘Strategically Digital’, partly because it gives me a chance to re-thank everyone who helped make UKMW12 such a fantastic event. In the same spirit of sharing and transparency we’ll also post reports from the AGM. “Hi, I’m Mia […]

UKMW12 round-up

As well as sharing the speaker’s slides and audio (below), we’re sharing blog posts and other reports from UK Museums on the Web: UKMW12 ‘Strategically Digital’. If you’ve written about the event let us know in the comments or on twitter (@ukmcg) and we’ll add the link. If you’ve taken photos, please tag them ukmw12 […]

AGM 2012

2012 Committee Reports to the AGM 30 November 2012, Wellcome Collection, London. Welcome Mia welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked each of the people who had helped arrange the meeting to stand up and thanked them for all the work they had put in to make the meeting happen. Minutes of the previous AGM […]

Announcing ACH Bursaries for UKMW12

Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) Ticket Bursaries for UK Museums on the Web conference In support of museums’ ongoing engagement in the world of the digital and encouragement of young professionals’ exploration of the digital humanities, ACH is pleased to offer up to five (5) ticket bursaries for student/unwaged participants in UKMW12. Preference […]

Notice of the MCG Annual General Meeting at UKMW12

As is usual this year’s Museums Computer Group AGM will take place at the UK Museums on the Web conference on 30 November at the Wellcome Collection, 12.20-12.50pm. Full details of the AGM can be found below. The AGM will include the election of nominees to the Committee. If you would be interested in being […]

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