On 6 May 2016, over 50 museum technology professionals gathered to discuss ‘Life with digital projects‘. We heard from consultants, senior museum and agency staff, academics, developers and producers over a day that began in style with Charlotte Sexton’s keynote and ended with a debate on ‘outsourcing digital heritage projects is more harm than help’.
If you were there, we’d love your feedback. We review feedback from each event so we can make the next conference even better. And speaking of the next conference, UKMW16 will be in London on October 19 and the first call for proposals is open until May 31.
You can check out and add photos to our Flickr pool or just tag them MCGprojects.
We’ll update this page with links to event reports and more… If you’re curious, the original call for papers provides earlier context.
MCG Chair Mia Ridge wrote a report for the Museums + Heritage Advisor blog: How can museums avoid unsustainable, unmaintainable digital projects and reduce the ‘digital hangover’? (The short answer: there’s no magic wand: ‘making sustainable digital projects depends on good communication, mutual respect, and understanding the context and long-term goals of an organisation before making realistic decisions about budgets, technology and team structure’.)
Lauren Romijn, who’s studying at the University of Leicester’s School of Museum Studies, has written an event report, #MCGprojects Conference York.
‘Life with Digital Projects’ Spring Event– Bursary recipient, Maribel Hidalgo Urbaneja, shares her experience.
Harald Fredheim has created a great storify: MCG 2016 Spring Workshop Life Support – Living with Digital Projects, embedded below:
Mia Ridge also created a storify of tweets about the conference: Storify from MCG’s Life with Digital Projects Spring 2016 conference.
Speaker slides are available online