A quick post to put all the details for tonight’s #drinkingaboutmuseums Bristol: we have a table reserved from 6:30pm at the Watershed Café/Bar, 1 Canon’s Road, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5TX (map). They serve a range of fresh, local and seasonal food, local ales and non-alcoholic drinks so there should be something for all.
As always, our pre-conference meetup is open to all, regardless of whether you’re attending Museums Get Mobile, work in a museum or with technology… If you haven’t attended an MCG event before, you can look for some of our Committee members and we’ll put one of our conference delegate bags somewhere around the table to help you spot us.

Look for a bag with our logo somewhere around the table
And if this is all new to you, you can find out more about the many and varied forms of Drinking About Museums (DAM) from the US perspective. When #drinkingaboutmuseums came along it provided a neat name for something the MCG had been doing for many years in the form of pre- or post-conference drinks, or general meetups.