What did you miss at UKMW15, ‘Bridging Gaps, Making Connections’?

Community commentary

What did you miss at UKMW15, ‘Bridging Gaps, Making Connections’?

Even if you were at our 2015 conference, it was such a busy day that it was easy to miss a gem. We’ve compiled these event reports that captured some of the flavour of the day. Collaboration and ‘heads-up’ engagement: guest post from UKMW15 by Izzy Bartley Jessica Suess’s event report Frankly, Green and Webb […]

Guest blog: Aggregation & the Culture Grid

  This is a guest post by Collections Trust CEO Nick Poole following a recent email to the Museums Computer Group list. For further information about the Collections Trust, see http://www.collectionstrust.org.uk.  Last week, I sent a message out via the Museums Computer Group email list announcing some changes to the Culture Grid, the aggregation platform […]

Guest post from MCG Spring Event, Innovation: The Emperor’s new clothes

  For the Museums Computer Group spring event 2015, we invited Nicola Adams, a digital media apprentice at Royal Pavilion & Museums Brighton, to attend as a guest blogger and record the day:   I jumped at the chance to attend the Museum Computer Group’s (MCG) spring event, Innovation: The Emperor’s new clothes on 14 […]

#MCGInnovation as it happened

Our Spring 2015 event, ‘Innovation’: the Emperor’s new clothes?’ was held at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge on 14 May 2015. Thanks to the organisers and speakers for creating a thought-provoking and enjoyable day. Let us know if you’ve got photos or notes to share! Our guest blogger, Nicola Adams, a digital […]

UKMW14 Guest Post: The New Post-Digital Era

As part of this year’s MCG:UKMW14 ‘Museums beyond the Web’, we asked guest bloggers to cover the day and share their impressions of our lineup of speakers. In this post, our first blogger, Kasia Kwiatkowska looks at a day that covered Google Glass, low-cost mobile tours, the ‘post-digital museum’ and more. “Every screen is a touchscreen, […]

UKMW14 Guest Post: From Mercury to Mars

As part of this year’s MCG:UKMW14 ‘Museums beyond the Web’, we asked guest bloggers to cover the day and share their impressions of our lineup of speakers. In this post, blogger Holly Parsons reports back on a day that considered the relative pace of change in both technology and museums. The tenth annual Museums Computer […]

UKMW14 round-up: reports, tweets, slides and images

MCG’s sold out UKMW14 ‘Museums beyond the web‘ was held at the Natural History Museum in London on Friday 7 November 2014. Don’t miss out on future events – sign up for our low-traffic events information list. UKMW14 presentations online Watch the ‘Museums beyond the web’ presentations online UKMW14 event reports Jessica Suess’ Museums Beyond […]

Museums Get Mobile round-up

The MCG’s Spring Meeting, Museums Get Mobile! #MGM14 was held at M Shed, Bristol on 16 May 2014. If you’ve written about MCG’s Museums Get Mobile let us know and we’ll add your post. We’ll also post podcasts as soon as we can for our event round-up: Event speaker Lindsey Green wrote up her presentation […]

Two weeks until Museums Get Mobile! Get your ticket today

There are only two weeks until we’ll gather at Bristol’s M Shed for MCG’s Spring meeting, Museums Get Mobile – so don’t miss out! May 16 will be here before you know it, so get your ticket today at museumsgetmobile.eventbrite.co.uk. Why? Your visitors increasingly expect to do everything on their devices, whether your site is […]

UKMW13 ‘Power to the people’ round-ups and thanks

Thank you UKMW13 was a lively conference with a great crowd, even trending on Twitter with the buzz created by your networking and conversations – proper power to the people! Hannah Freeman, Guardian Community coordinator for culture speaking about open journalism in her keynote at UK Museums on the Web 2013 Photos, blog posts and […]

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