Relive Museums+Tech 2017: Nicôle Meehan reflects on the Conference


Thanks to everyone who contributed to #musetech17

Putting on an event like this takes a lot of work. Our thanks in particular to: Museums+Tech 2017 Event Coordinators: Ina Pruegel and Kath Biggs Comms, marketing, bursaries logistics and more: Brian Moss, Dafydd James, Mia Ridge, Sarah Middle, Jessica Suess, Alec Ward, Rebecca Atkinson 2017 Programme Committee Chairs: Mia Ridge and Sarah Middle. Reviewers: […]

Imperial War Museums case study: Digital Asset Management

Introduction Imperial War Museums have been working with Axiell on a project to improve the way they manage their vast digital assets. This case study looks at how IWM used Axiell’s DAMS to support their digital strategy and overcome their key digital asset management challenges. Highlights Fast: in trial months, 2.7 terabytes of film processed […]

Meet the speakers: Museums+Tech 2017

We have an amazing line up of speaker for this year’s conference. Find out more about who will be sharing their projects and learning with us on November 3rd! Hannah Fox – Silk Mill Project Director, Derby Museums Trust Hannah is the Project Director for the re-development of Derby Silk Mill; the site of the world’s […]

Keynote announcement – Museums+Tech 2017

The MCG Committee are pleased to announce that the keynote speaker for this year’s Museums+Tech conference will be Hannah Fox, Silk Mill Project Director for the Derby Museums Trust. Hannah’s keynote will be “What makes a museum?” Low tech, hi-tech, bi-tech, little tech – whatever the type of scale, technology provides the tools, methods and […]

WE NEED YOU! Volunteer Positions for Museums+Tech 2017

MCG’s Museums+Tech 2017 with the theme of ‘Tech in a divided world’ is shaping up to be a great event. We are confident that attendees at this year’s event in the Imperial War Museum will come away both inspired and challenged by the day. We also want to make sure the messages emerging from our […]

Why attend Museums+Tech 2017?

MCG’s Museums+Tech 2017 will be held at the Imperial War Museum on November 3. This year’s standard ticket price is £150, with a discounted rate of £120 for MCG members. Discounted early bird tickets save £25 off the members price but must be booked before September 3. About the Museums+Tech 2017 Programme This year’s conference […]

MCG’s Museums+Tech 2017 – first call for proposals

Museums+Tech 2017 will be held at the Imperial War Museum, London, on Friday 3 November 2017. This call for proposals closes at midnight (London time) on Sunday, 30 April 2017 Wednesday May 3rd (extended to allow for the bank holiday). MCG’s Museums+Tech 2017: tech in a divided world 2017 is set to be a challenging year […]

My Experience from Museums+Tech16 by Alice Rose

Even though ‘digital’ is not in my job title as a museum documentation assistant, I really wanted to attend the Museums Computer Group Museums+Tech conference.  My interest was sparked earlier in the year when I attended a seminar on digitisation which whet my appetite for the diverse range of applications of technology in all aspects […]

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