In our last blog post, we introduced some of the new and existing committee members of the MCG. As you can tell, there are quite a few active committee members working together to run the Museums Computer Group and connect, support and inspire the museum technology sector.

But what does it actually take to run the MCG? What goes on behind the scenes of the Museums+Tech conferences and the discussion list?

There are three specific ‘executive’ roles within the Committee. Mia Ridge, as the MCG Chair, is responsible for leading both the Museums Computer Group and the Committee. Katherine Biggs is the Treasurer for the MCG and is responsible for the organisation’s finances. Jessica Suess is the MCG’s Secretary and helps the Chair with the administration of the MCG Committee and its responsibilities. But, of course, Mia, Katherine and Jessica do far more than that – as does the MCG Committee as a whole.

The majority of the other day-to-day tasks for running the MCG are divided amongst the various committee members. These tasks include managing the discussion list, which is mostly administered by Andrew Lewis. Others manage our social media platforms, from Twitter to LinkedIn, and our website. At times, we take on special projects that will benefit our members. Committee members, particularly the Chair, liaise with funders and sector bodies including DCMS, the Arts Council, Culture24, HLF and more, to discuss the challenges and opportunities that digital brings for museums and other cultural heritage bodies.

The Committee also develops, manages and delivers various events throughout the year, including the upcoming Museums+Tech 2017 Conference. Within these events the committee sets a theme, manages a Call for Proposals, gathers speakers, sources and liaises with venues, organises reviewers for conference proposals, advertises the conference, organises bursaries to enable unwaged/student delegates to attend, uses social media to share delegates’ coverage of events, compiles event reports as a record of the event, and generally works together to deliver the best possible experience for delegates.

Through these activities, the Committee supports the MCG, and its community, to foster discussion and debate through events, social media and on the email discussion list. With over 1700 members and archives dating back to 1998, the MCG discussion list is an important platform for peer support. Posters can receive expert and unbiased advice from a huge range of members in organisations all over the country.

Before the AGM, we’ll be opening up applications for positions on the general Committee. Joining the committee is a fantastic opportunity to develop skills – from event planning to social media content creation. It also gives you a chance to meet and work with some fantastic people from across the UK.

This year, Mia will also be finishing her second and final term as Chair of the MCG, meaning that the Committee will be appointing a new Chair during the AGM at this year’s Museums+Tech Conference. We will be opening up applications for the position of Chair in the coming weeks. It will be a fantastic opportunity to help steer the Museums Computer Group, advocate for our members, and lead the sector in a time of change over the next three to six years – building on the work done by Mia and the Chairs before her. If you would like to know more about the role and perhaps nominate yourself for election as Chair, please email Mia via our Get in touch page.

Hopefully, through these last few blog posts, you’ve gained a greater understanding of the Museums Computer Group, and the Committee. If you’re interested in joining the Committee and we’ve not answered your questions in these last few blog posts, you’re always welcome to ask us via email or leave a comment below!