To get juices flowing ahead of UK Museums on the Web 2013: ‘Power to the people’, on Thursday 14 November 2013 the MCG Committee invited people to the traditional and well-loved pre-conference bash for a relaxed, sociable #drinkingaboutmuseums evening. This was open to all and best of all free.
This was a most enjoyable evening of informal networking and discussion and getting to grips with key museum digital matters, all over a decent drink or two, with loads of like-minded people.
A great venue too for 2013 – the do was afloat on the bridge of the ship Tattershall Castle.
There were lightning sessions in the Ignite style (20 slides, running for 20 seconds automatically) to get thinking going about museums and digital (no product pitches allowed as usual, but shouts out to generous sponsors).
A relaxed, lively networking opportunity to get in the mood for Museums on the Web 2013 – a great way to get warmed up for the main conference.
Final programme and accompanying slides
These brave people presented some great ideas – hats off to them for standing up and putting it out.
“Exercises in Engagement: asking audiences about anthropology collections” – Adrian Murphy, Horniman Museum and Gardens.
“I cannae do it captain! Automatic Object recommendations” – Benjamin Blundell, section9 (with Museum of Rural Life and The Edinburgh College of Arts)
“Play Your Part – an experiment in engagement” – Catherine O’Donnell & Harriet Richardson, People’s History Museum
“Social Media for Museums: lies, damned lies, and statistics. The Russian experience.” – Anna Mikhaylova
Programme and intros: Andrew Lewis